Endless Love Anal Relaxing Silicone Lube 1.7oz


15 in stock

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SKU: BA3000-03 Category:


Endless Love is everything you need for comfortable, satisfying anal play. It puts your body at ease with a potent set of natural ingredients, releasing muscle tension without the harsh desensitizing substances. Natural oils provide the relaxing effect without limiting nerve activity, there’s no lidocaine, benzocaine, or anything else that could numb your body, and the oils are carefully balanced to prevent irritation or redness. The formula safe for sensitive skin, and because it’s silicone based, it provides a lasting slickness that never seems to change in texture, a liberal application of this lube allows for hours of action.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × 6 cm

Endless Love Anal Relaxing Silicone Lube 1.7oz


15 in stock